Evaluation Types

SAF_EvalConstants is a collection of related C preprocessor symbols defined in SAFevaluation.h.


SAF_SPACE_CONSTANT: identifies an evaluation method that is constant. This is really just an alias for piecewise constant in which there is only one piece.

SAF_SPACE_PWCONST: identifies an evaluation method that is piecewise constant. That is it is constant over each piece in the EVAL_COLL argument of saf_declare_field.

SAF_SPACE_PWLINEAR: identifies an evaluation method that is piecewise linear.

SAF_SPACE_UNIFORM: identifies an evaluation method that is a single piece of linear evaluation such as is common for uniform coordinate fields.

Description: SAF currently supports specification of a field’s evaluation method by picking from a list of known methods Currently, that list is relatively short. SAF provides tags for specifying constant, piecewise linear and piecewise constant evaluations of a field.

Eventually, this list of evaluation methods will be expanded to include many of the common spline, and spectral evaluation schemes and they will also be user-definable. However, in this first implementation of SAF, we provide only an enumeration of the most commonly used evaluation methods.

See Also:

  • Datatypes: Introduction for current chapter