Error codes returned by the libraryΒΆ

SAF_error_t is a collection of related C preprocessor symbols defined in saf.h.


SAF_FATAL_ERROR: Any fatal error.

SAF_MEMORY_ERROR: A memory-related error.

SAF_FILE_ERROR: File-related errors.

SAF_CONTEXT_ERROR: Context errors.

SAF_LOOKUP_ERROR: Name lookup errors.

SAF_MAPPING_ERROR: Mapping errors.

SAF_WRITE_ERROR: File write errors.

SAF_DEBUG_ERROR: Debugging messages.

SAF_CONSTRAINT_ERROR: Failed constraints.

SAF_PARAMETER_ERROR: Function parameter errors.


SAF_READ_ERROR: File read errors.

SAF_NOTIMPL_ERROR: Functionality has not been implemented.

SAF_BADHNDL_ERROR: Object handle errors.

SAF_MISC_ERROR: Miscellaneous errors.

SAF_SIZE_ERROR: Size-related errors.

SAF_PMODE_ERROR: Errors in the parallel mode argument to a function.

SAF_ASSERTION_ERROR: Failed assertions.

SAF_PRECONDITION_ERROR: Failed preconditions.

SAF_POSTCONDITION_ERROR: Failed postconditions.

SAF_GENERIC_ERROR: Generic errors.

SAF_SSLIB_ERROR: SSlib related errors

Description: These C preprocessor symbols define an integer bitmask where each bit represents an error condition.

See Also: