Set the destination form of a subset relation

saf_target_subset_relation is a function defined in rel.c.


int saf_target_subset_relation(SAF_RelTarget *target, SAF_RelRep *srtype, hid_t type)

Formal Arguments:

  • target: [OUT] Relation targeting information to be initialize herein.
  • srtype: Target subset relation types.
  • type: Target data types.

Description: This function establishes the target (destination) form of subset relation data during either read or write. When used prior to a write call, it establishes the form of data in the file. When used prior to a read call, it establishes the form of data as desired in memory.

Return Value: The constant SAF__SUCCESS is returned when this function is successful. Otherwise this function either returns an error number or throws an exception, depending on the value of the library’s error handling property.

Issues: Not implemented yet.

See Also: