File Properties

comm: The MPI communicator for the file. The default is to use the library’s communicator.

info: The MPI info object for the file. The default is to pass MPI_INFO_NULL.

fapl: The HDF5 file access property list to use when creating or opening a file. At a minimum, the caller should specify the HDF5 virtual file driver that should be used. The default is to use either the ``sec2`` driver or the mpiposix driver, depending on whether the file communicator has one MPI task or more than one. However, if the use_mpiio property is set then the mpiio virtual file driver is used by default when the file communicator has more than one MPI task.

fcpl: The HDF5 file creation property list to be used when creating a new file.

hid: The HDF5 file handle to use instead of calling H5Fopen or H5Fcreate. The file handle is not duplicated by ss_file_open and therefore the caller should not call H5Fclose but rather relinquish control of that file to SSlib, eventually closing the file with ss_file_close. The fapl and fcpl values are not used if the file is already opened.

use_mpiio: If no file access property is supplied and SSlib was compiled with parallel support and the file communicator has more than one MPI task, then the mpiio virtual file driver (if supported) will be used to access the file.