Initialize the library

ss_init_func is a function defined in sslib.c.


herr_t ss_init_func(MPI_Comm communicator)

Formal Arguments:

  • communicator: Library communicator defining the maximal set of MPI tasks that can be involved in various collective SSlib function calls. However, many collective SSlib functions can operate on a subset of this communicator. If SSlib is implicitly initialized then MPI_COMM_WORLD is assumed. When SSlib is compiled without MPI support then the communicator argument is just an integer that’s ignored by this function.

Description: Call this function to initialize SSlib. It’s use is entirely optional since SSlib generally initializes each layer of its software stack as it becomes necessary. However, if only a subset of the MPI tasks will be making calls to SSlib then this function can be invoked to define what tasks own the library.

This function initializes the collective parts of some other layers as well when those other layers are largely independent and might not have an opportunity to do their own collective initialization.

Normally the client initializes the library with the ss_init macro.

Return Value: Returns non-negative on success; negative on failure. It is an error to call this function more than one time or to call it after the library has been implicitly initialized.

Parallel Notes: Collective across the specified communicator.

Issues: We cannot pass things to this function with property lists since those property lists rely on SSlib having been initialized first.

See Also: