Determine object equality

ss_pers_equal is a function defined in sspers.c.


htri_t ss_pers_equal(ss_pers_t *pers1, ss_pers_t *pers2, ss_prop_t UNUSED *props)

Formal Arguments:

  • props: A property list to indicate how the comparison should proceed. No properties are currently defined. If an object contains persistent object links then the pointed-to objects will be compared with ss_pers_eq instead of recursively calling ss_pers_equal.

Description: This function determines if two links point to objects that could be consistered to be the same object even if they don’t point to the same memory. In other words, a “meter” in one database is almost certainly the same to a “meter” in some other database even though the two object handles point to distinct objects in memory (i.e., ss_pers_equal is true but ss_pers_eq is false).

Return Value: Returns true (positive) if PERS1 and PERS2 refer to objects whose internals are equal or if PERS1 and PERS2 both point to the same object or both are null pointers.

Parallel Notes: Independent

See Also: