Query a property value

ss_prop_get is a function defined in ssprop.c.


void * ss_prop_get(ss_prop_t *prop, const char *name, hid_t type, void *buffer)

Formal Arguments:

  • prop: property list to be queried
  • name: name of queried property
  • type: optional type of data to return
  • buffer: optional result buffer

Description: The value of a property (or entire property list) can be queried by providing a handle to the property list and the name of the property (or NULL). If a datatype is supplied then it must be conversion-compatible with the declared property (or property list) datatype, and the result will be returned as the specified datatype, otherwise the result is returned in the original datatype. If a buffer is supplied then the value is copied into the buffer (the caller must ensure that the buffer is large enough), otherwise a buffer is allocated for the result.

Return Value: On success, returns either the supplied buffer or an newly allocated buffer which the caller should eventually free. Returns the null pointer on failure.

Parallel Notes: Independent

See Also: