Determines if scope is an open top-scope

ss_scope_isopentop is a function defined in ssscope.c.


htri_t ss_scope_isopentop(ss_scope_t *scope)

Description: Determines if scope is open and a top-scope. A scope can be in an opened or closed state. Every file has exactly one top-level scope which is the first entry in that scope’s Scope table.

Return Value: Returns true (positive) if scope is open and a top-scope or false if not. Returns negative on failure.

Parallel Notes: Independent

Issues: It might be better to just look to see if the specified scope has a communicator other than MPI_COMM_NULL and has a non-null pointer for a Scope table since only top-level scopes have a Scope table.

See Also:

  • Scopes: Introduction for current chapter