Mark library as finalized

ss_zap is a function defined in sslib.c.


herr_t ss_zap(void)

Description: Sometimes it’s necessary to mark the library as finalized but without actually finalizing it. For instance, a call to MPI_Abort may eventually call exit (e.g., from MPID_SHMEM_Abort) which would cause SSlib’s atexit handler to be invoked. But we really don’t want that because the handler tries to do some MPI communication. So this function is supplied to make the atexit handler think ss_finalize has already been called.

Return Value: Returns non-negative on success; negative on failure.

Parallel Notes: Collective across the library’s communicator, although this function does no MPI communication.

Issues: This function is here only because some libraries (e.g., MPICH’s MPI_Abort) incorrectly call exit instead of calling _exit.

We should really set handlers back to their default values now and unmask them

See Also: