Create a new file

ss_file_create is a function defined in ssfile.c.


ss_file_t * ss_file_create(const char *name, unsigned flags, ss_prop_t *props)

Formal Arguments:

  • name: Name of file to be created.
  • flags: HDF5-style file access flags (see ss_file_open).
  • props: Optional file property list (see *File Properties*).

Description: Creates and initializes an SSlib file. This is actually just a convenience function for calling ss_file_open with a flags argument of H5F_ACC_RDWR | H5F_ACC_TRUNC | H5F_ACC_CREAT in addition to those bit flags passed into this function.

Return Value: Same as ss_file_open.

Parallel Notes: Same as ss_file_open.

See Also: