Obtain pointer direct to value

ss_prop_buffer is a function defined in ssprop.c.


void * ss_prop_buffer(ss_prop_t *prop, const char *name)

Formal Arguments:

  • prop: property list to be queried
  • name: optional property name

Description: This function is similar to ss_prop_get except instead of copying the value or values into a new buffer, it returns a pointer directly into the property list values buffer. If a property name is specified then the pointer is to the beginning of the specified property, otherwise the pointer is to the beginning of the entire property values buffer.

Return Value: Returns a pointer into the buffer holding property values on success; null on failure. If the client supplied the buffer for the values via the ss_prop_cons function then the returned pointer is valid at least until the property list is destroyed, otherwise the pointer is valid only until the list is destroyed or a new property is added, whichever occurs first.

Parallel Notes: .. _SC_ss_prop_buffer:


See Also: